Nulled Team Drainer [2024]

Nulled Team Drainer [2024]

[Nulled Team Drainer] Source Code + Admin Panel + 100 Landing page

Drainer Features

➖ Best Drainer on the market right now 2023
➖ Drains tokens + NFT's
➖ Balance drain using a contract that begin with 0000 and end with 0000 with Claim function for better accept rate ( can be disabled and just use normal transaction )
➖ Permit2 ( bulk )
➖ Approvement ( SAFA and transferFrom if customer want to use old way )
➖ Token transfer ( bypass new meta mask update )
➖ Ape coins unstake
➖ Punk transfers
➖ Moon bird nested
➖ Permit ( +200 supported on 7 different chains )
➖ Fastest backend ( 1-2s average )
➖ Encrypted logs with anti spam
➖ Pannel access allow customers to compile themselves drainer with +20 custom options + change his wallet address if flagged
➖ Best drain strategy ( logged at each connect step by step )
➖ Anti shit tokens / nfts
➖ Ips and country of all connects
➖ Prompt eth_sign for supported wallets else using normal ( if eth_sign is allowed then allow customer to claim a transaction even if victim had not enought for fees )
➖ Meta mask flag bots blocker
➖ ENS rarity checker
➖ Staked assets checker
➖ MetaMask token approvals exploit
➖ Best nfts pricing ( using the floor price on 4 nfts platesforms )
➖ Art Blocks drain module
➖ 4 different modals aviable ( dark and light mode) + one fully customizable
➖ Drain on 18 different chains: Ethereum, Optimism, Cronos, BSC, Gnosis, Fuse, Heco, Polygon, Fantom, zkSync, Polygon zkEVM, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cel ➖Drains most valuable funds first ( ETH, USDT, BNB, WETH, DAI, APE, FLOKI, SHIBA, PUNKS,AZUKI AND MANY MORE)
➖ Steals all valuable opensea assets in one sign
➖ Supports multiple wallets
➖ Directly to your wallet
➖ Clean Code no backdoor
➖ Front-end + Back-end
➖ 1 on 1 guidance during setup
➖ Lifetime warranty
➖ Great Price for what you get
➖ Many Templates
➖ Free update
Coder Nulled
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